Welcome to the 2025 Mutts & Mimosas On-line Auction by Helping Paws
Visit us at our website: www.helpingpawsonline.com
Our 10th annual Mutts & Mimosas event will be held at District Tap on February 16, 2025, from 11 am to 3 pm. Online Bidding will start on February 15 at 6 pm and will close at 2 pm on Feb. 16th. At the event, we will also have $25 grab bags with values from $15-$100, bingo, raffles, and more. We hope to see you there!
Helping Paws is a unique organization as it first sets up and maintains online auctions with 100% of the proceeds going to various rescue groups and animals in need all over the country. We not only help ourselves, but we help others! Secondly, Helping Paws tends to rescue animals in need of medical attention that would otherwise result in them prematurely reaching the rainbow bridge due to costs. No animal is put into a kennel; they go straight into fostering to be rehabilitated. Surgeries, up-to-date shots, spay/neutering, grooming, and general pet care add up for a small rescue like ours. In 2024, Helping Paws has already spent $62,000 on medical expenses!!!!!
One special dog, Helping Paws rescued this year is Lyra. Lyra came to Helping Paws at the beginning of June 2024. She had given birth to ELEVEN puppies at Indianapolis Animal Care Services, which is no place for a mama to raise her puppies! Luckily, we had an experienced foster willing to foster the family while the puppies still needed mom. After they were weaned, the puppies were divided into smaller groups and put into new foster homes where they worked on their socialization, were spayed/neutered, and all were adopted! Lyra went to another foster home where she put on some much-needed weight, spayed, and has learned to be an awesome pet! Unfortunately, she is STILL waiting for a forever home. Black dogs, especially those who are "bully" breeds, usually take 4-5 times longer to be adopted than dogs with lighter colors. There are several theories as to why this is. Some potential owners associate the color black with evil or misfortune (similar to the common superstition surrounding black cats), and this bias transfers over to their choice of dog. Black dogs also don't photograph as well as their lighter-colored counterparts, so they are put at a disadvantage when being posted on adoption websites. Whatever the reason, our sweet Lyra has taken amazing care of her puppies and has earned her happily ever after. She absolutely LOVES kids, does well with other dogs (with proper introduction), and would be a great addition to a lot of families.
Helping Paws assists special dogs like Lyra, and many others. 100% of the money raised from this auction will go directly to the dogs.
Items will be continuously added to this site up till the auction starts. If you have questions during the online bidding, call Christa at 317-407-4914 and she will do EVERYTHING she can do to assist you!
Thank You to our Sponsors!