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Ottawa County (Ohio) Historical Society

Auction of paintings by Robert Kroeger

June 1, 2024 – June 30, 2024

Proceeds benefit OCHS scholarship fund

For details on items included in the auction,

visit the OCHS website at www.ottawacountyhistory.org.

To place a bid after you have logged in as a bidder,

click on the individual painting thumbnail image to go to more details and the bidding function.

2025 calendar available for purchase at OCHS website 'Shop' page,


About the Society: The Ottawa County Historical Society was organized in 1963.  Its mission and purpose is to discover, preserve and celebrate the history of Ottawa County (Ohio) and to promote a heightened awareness of our local place in time.  Visit the Society’s website at www.ottawacountyhistory.org for more information on the Society and details on items included in the auction.

About Robert Kroeger: Dr. Robert Kroeger, a native of Youngstown, graduated from The Ohio State University’s College of Dentistry, served four years of active duty in the U.S. Navy, ending with the rank of lieutenant commander.  Kroeger practiced dentistry in Cincinnati from 1977 to 2010 when he retired.  He and his wife, Laura, enjoy spending time with nine grandchildren. His love for historic barns---at one time in America one could drive through farm country and find barn after barn.  We now see a sprinkling of barns across the landscape.  For Kroeger, this disappearing piece of American history sparked an opportunity to combine his love of history with a passion for painting.  A second-generation artist, though, unlike his father Francis, who held an art degree from Notre Dame, Robert’s professional art career blossomed later in life. He is the author of Historic Barns of Ohio and Round Barns of America. A wonderful historical story accompanies each painting. He has also authored books on dentistry and seven books on golf in Scotland, England, Wales, and Ireland.  He can be contacted via the website:  www.barnart.weebly.com.