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Zabeležite si datum! V ponedeljek, 4. septembra, bodo vsi talenti treh ekip Ane Roš @hisafranko @pekarnaana in @anainslon prvič združili moči in skuhali ekskluzivno večerjo kjer bodo zbirali sredstva za prizadete v poplavah. 

Vstopnice za večerjo bodo šle na dražbo ta ponedeljek, 14. avgusta. Spremljajte našo spletno stran in družbena omrežja za več informacij, ki bodo kmalu na voljo.
Začetna cena menija z vinsko ali brezalkoholno spremljavo je 520 eur na osebo. Število mest je zelo omejeno, zato pohitite.


Vsa zbrana sredstva bodo skupaj z denarjem, ki ga ekipe Ane Roš že zbirajo, namenjena družini, ki je v hudih poplavah izgubila vse, eni od žrtev apokalipse, ki je v zadnjih dneh prizadela Slovenijo.

Vsi se strinjamo, da ta večerja ni konec naše geste. Družino bomo spremljali tudi v prihodnje in jim pomagali, dokler se njihovo življenje ne normalizira. Vsa sredstva bodo šla preko dobrodelnega računa naše šefinje in njenega moža, odprtega pri Karitas Slovenije ob njuni poroki.

Ostanite na vezi. Medtem lahko pomagate tudi tako, da pošljete SMS (iz slovenske mobilne številke) POMAGAM5 na 1919 ali sledite povezavi https://poplave2023.urszr.si/obrazec.php


Block the date! On Monday, September 4, all the talents of Ana Roš's three teams @hisafranko @pekarnaana and @anainslon will for the first time join the forces together and cook an exclusive fundraising dinner with a full donation drive.

The tickets of the dinner will go on auction this Monday 14th of August. Follow our website and social media for more information coming soon.
Starting price for the menu with wine or non alcoholic pairing is 520 eur per person. The seats are very limited so hurry up.


All the raised funds together with the money the team is collecting already will go to a family that in the heavy floods caused by bad weather lost everything, one of the victims of the apocalypse that hit parts of Slovenia in the last days.

We all agree that this dinner is not the end of our gesture. We will follow the family in the future and help them  until their life is back to normal. All the funds will go through the charity account of our chef and her husband opened at Karitas Slovenija on the occasion of their wedding.

Stay tuned. Meanwhile you can help by sending ans SMS (from a Slovenian mobile number) POMAGAM5 to 1919 or follow the link https://poplave2023.urszr.si/obrazec.php