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<h3>Knights of Columbus presents Hold'em for Life</h3>
<h4>a benefit event for The Women's Help Center</h4>
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<p><em>Women's Help Center </em>is a pro-life pregnancy resource center with four locations in Northeast Florida. Each year we provide more than 3,000 women and families with the strength, skills, and support they need to choose life for their unborn children. We also assist families throughout the community by providing them with diapers, infant clothing, and other baby supplies. All of our services are free, and no one is ever turned away.</p>
<p><em>Executive Director of Women's Help Center. </em></p>
<p><em>Hold'em for Life Poker Tournament </em>is a fun charity event. All money raised is donated to the Women's Help Center. The whole event is run by volunteers and donations. Please help anyway you can for such a important service right here in Jacksonville. The auction is live on-line until aproximatley 9:00PM and items will start to close and finalize in phases. So bid high and bid often.</p>
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<p>Join us at 10472 Beach Blvd, Jacksonville, FL 32246. In Social Hall at very back of property.</p>
<p>September 21, 2024 .....6:30 PM Social Hour then 7:30 PM Tournament starts</p>
<p>$30 entry fee</p>
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