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High Park Nature Centre 25th Anniversary Online Auction 2024

Monday, June 17, 2024, 5 PM EDT to Friday, June 21, 2024, 9 PM EDT


For a quarter of a century, High Park Nature Centre has been a beacon of environmental stewardship and community engagement, nurturing a deep-rooted connection to nature within our vibrant Toronto community. From our humble
beginnings, we have grown to become a pivotal force in preserving and celebrating the natural wonders of High Park.

Funds raised through this auction will directly support our stewardship programs, enabling us to continue
our mission of planting seeds of conservation, curiosity, and connection to nature in our community.

If you’d like to give through another way, you can directly donate HERE.

Thanks so much to all of our item donors and bidders for your support!



  1. To register, go to the top right, click Bidder Log In → Register → fill in the Bidder Sign Up form to set up your secure account, and select your auction item notification preferences
  2. Check out our amazing items and bid on your favourite ones! You can View Items on the top left and see “All Items,” sort through specific categories, or search a specific keyword/ phrase. Plus, you can choose how many items you want to see per page on the bottom left (select number and click "Per Page")
  3. Happy Bidding!

Payments for winning bids will be processed online via PayPal. PayPal accepts all major credit cards from Visa, Mastercard, American Express and Discover and debit cards.


Bidding Policy: Please note, these auction items are locations specific to Ontario, Canada. We reserve the right to delete bids from participants who cannot provide their own travel and accommodation arrangements to/ from Ontario to redeem auction items.

Shipping: In most cases winning bidders will be connected to donors to arrange for pick-up or shipping. A few marked items will be available for pick up at the Nature Centre. Shipping details and payment will be processed after winning bidders have completed payment for items won. For additional questions, please contact Patti at info@highparknaturecentre.com


Land Acknowledgement: We acknowledge that our enjoyment of nature  in High Park today is due to the stewardship and caretaking of the land by the Wendat, Haudenosaunee, Anishinaabe, and the Mississaugas of the Credit. A wonderful example of this caretaking is the knowledge and stewardship of the Black Oak Savannah ecosystem which is now globally imperiled.