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Small Miracles’ Equine-Assisted Services (EAS), both mounted (on horse) and unmounted, enhance the personal growth, development and life skills of all participants, enabling them to live life to their fullest potential and as self-sufficiently as possible. Through God’s hand, this equine-human collaboration brings together horses, individuals with special needs, caring volunteers and professionals, to enrich the lives of everyone involved.  Programs provided include:

Therapeutic Horsemanship

Positive Youth Development

Horses Empower Heroes

These programs strengthen the social-emotional development, cognition, and resiliency and restoration of children and youth who have endured adverse childhood experiences (ACEs), stress and/or traumatic events. 

The HEH program uses both mounted and unmounted equine assisted activities and therapies to assist in physical and emotional healing (the visible and invisible wounds).


Thank you to our sponsors!