Welcome to our Time, Talent and Treasure Auction Winter 2025.
As you may know, early hopes of a live auction didn't work out. Let's try to make up for that here. This will be the only auction for this year, so dig deep! There will be no date/time constraints placed on events. It is highly recommended not to use "to be determined." This can get messy.
If you don't want to deal with photos and blurbs, no problem. Just share your idea, and we'll do the rest. Contact Chris Kunert at ckunert2@gmail.com or 262-527-5004.
Bidding begins on Saturday, February 1st, until Sunday, February 16th at 9 pm CST.
Coordination of drop-off and pickup will be done between the donor and the winning bidder. Payments will be made at the LCCUC website at the close of the auction. Instructions will be provided at that time.
Thank you for supporting this event and the work of our church. Feel free to share our link with friends and other social media. All bidders are welcome!