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Salem Children’s Charity 2024 Annual Fundraising Event

We are back and better than ever at the Hawthorne Hotel


WHAT:    Salem Children’s Charity Christmas Party
WHEN:    Tuesday, December 10th, 6:00 PM
WHERE:  Hawthorne Hotel, Salem MA,   $25.00 Door Cover-What’s going to be the same? A great time with great friends!Great selection of hors d’oeuvres,Cash Bar, Lots of Live Auction items for in-person bidding, live raffles!


We are working again with a Hybrid style silent auction:

We will be holding a hybrid silent auction that will open at the start of the party while we are all together in the Hawthorne hotel ballroom.  The auction will not close until Sunday night (12/15) at 8 PM.  This also means that there will be NO item bid sheets at the event this year.  ALL BIDDING WILL BE DONE THROUGH https://new.biddingowl.com/SalemChildrensCharity   

Sign-up is quick and easy: 

Visit the website https://new.biddingowl.com/SalemChildrensCharity.   If you already participated in our auction last year, click “log in” and you should be on your way.  If you are new to Bidding Owl, just click Register in the top right-hand corner and follow the prompts to make an account.  

Hawthorne Hotel

18 Washington Square W
Salem, 01970

12/10/2024  6:00 PM