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Osprey Wilds Benefit Week

Bids for Kids Online Auction

Osprey Wilds is dedicated to our mission of instilling a connection and commitment to the environment in people of all ages through experiential learning. Our Bids for Kids auction is your opportunity to join in this important work, helping children and young people discover the gift of nature and learn to care for it. 

All auction items will be available until Friday, November 1st at 3pm CST. You’ll find outdoor gear, vacation rentals, learning opportunities, local crafts, adventure experiences, gift baskets, and much more!

Along with joining in the auction fun, please consider making a direct contribution as a part of our Benefit Week fundraiser. Your gift will make a difference for hundreds of children and people of all ages whose time at Osprey Wilds nurtures their connection to the environment and inspires them to stay committed to its care. There are two simple ways to make your gift online: click “Donate” below or give without leaving this page by choosing one of the gift amounts in the auction items list. 


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