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Welcome!  You've reached the bidding site for Balboa Magnet's Silent Auction 2025.


The auction includes Teacher Events.  The Auction will close on Friday, March 28th at 6:00pm.



Each year, Balboa Magnet teachers and staff host a variety of fun events exclusively for the students, during lunch and after school. Seats at each event are sold through an online auction. It's an opportunity to enjoy some extra fun activities with our amazing teachers and staff, and all proceeds go to the Balboa Spirit Club, which funds our enrichment programs (PE, vocal music, instructional technology support and science lab) and community events.



1. Register for a new account. In the profile section, please use your student's first and last name and the parent's email address for contact info. If you have more than one student at Balboa, please include both names in the First Name field.

2. Find an event. Browse "All Items" from the "Categories" section in the upper left corner, or use the search bar field at the top of the page to search for a particular event by name. Click on a listing within that event. All listings include the specific date/time/location of the event.

NOTE: You will see multiple listings for each event because each "seat" available at the event is a separate item.

3. Enter your bid amount. You can start with the opening bid or current minimum bid amount, or enter a higher amount. When you enter your bid, you can also place a "Max Bid Amount" so that the system will automatically bid on your behalf if you are outbid, up to the maximum amount you specify.

4. Bidding closes on Friday, March 28th at 6:00pm. Winners will be notified at the close of bidding and will receive an invoice to pay for their event(s).

5. You will have 48 hours to pay for your winning seat(s). Payment can be made by credit or debit card per the invoice instructions. If payment isn't received within 48 hours, the seat may be reassigned to the next highest bidders.

6. If you have any questions, please contact the us at bsccompassfund@gmail.com.

Thank you for supporting our amazing teachers and staff and the Balboa Spirit Club!


Principal and Magnet Coordinator for the Day – 2 spots - Items 100-101
Friday 4/25, Hosted by Mrs. Chun and Mr. Lopez!

Color Me Mine – 24 spots - Items 102-125
Wednesday 4/2, Hosted by the First Grade Teachers!

Bloom Where You Are Planted – 24 spots - Items 126-149
Tuesday 4/22, Hosted by the First Grade Teachers!

Fiesta Time! – 12 spots - Items 150-161
Monday 5/5, Hosted by the Second Grade Teachers!

Paint and Float – 12 spots - Items 162-173
Tuesday 5/27, Hosted by the Second Grade Teachers!

Hawaiian Day – 20 spots - Items 174-193
Tuesday 4/8, Hosted by the Third Grade Teachers!

Design Your Own T-shirt– 15 spots - Items 339-353
Thursday 5/29, Hosted by the Third Grade Teachers!

Meet Me at the Movies with Mrs. Hua – 8 spots - Items 194-201
Saturday 4/26, Hosted by Mrs. Hua!

Paint & Plant – 20 spots - Items 202-221
Tuesday 4/29, Hosted by the Fourth Grade Teachers!

Bracelets & Lanyards – 15 spots - Items 257-271
Thursday 4/24, Hosted by the Fifth Grade Teachers!

Six Mile Hike and Z Pizza Lunch – 10 spots - Items 222-231
Saturday 5/3, Hosted by Mr. Brescher!

Kickball – Teachers vs Students – 15 spots - Items 232-246
Friday 5/16, Hosted by Balboa Teachers and Staff!

5 vs 5 Basketball Game – Teachers vs Students – 10 spots - Items 247-256
Friday 5/23, Hosted by Balboa Teachers and Staff!

Nintendo Switch Party – 8 spots - Items 272-279
Wednesday 5/7, Hosted by Mr. Rodriguez

Glass Fusion – 12 spots - Items 293-304
Thursday 4/10, Hosted by Ms. Bronson, Mrs. Croft, & Mrs. Chun
1 Parking Space for Balboa’s Open House – 12 spots - Items 315-326
Donated by Northridge Dental Group
1 Parking Space for 5th Grade Culmination – 12 spots - Items 327-338
Donated by Northridge Dental Group