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Gutter 7 (country)

Item Number: R Kauff
Category: Art
Bidding Price:

USD $70.00

Winner: wg530
Minimum Bid Increment: USD $10


The gutter of a book is the center, where a spread of pages disappears into the binding. Designers often take great pains to avoid placing content near the gutter, but this is unavoidable when an image spreads across both pages. You could also call it the middle margin, the place that is central but not centered, and where we are discouraged from lingering. I am interested in the way gutters break the assumed flatness of the picture plane and point us back to the physicality of the image. In this way you could say that the gutter queers the image, resembles bodily regions considered obscene, and rhymes with all that is filthy, low, and teeming with raw, generative potential. 


Additional Information

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