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Edu-Futuro 27th Anniversary Gala

Empowering Voices, Changing Lives

Welcome! We have so many fantastic auction items this year! Thank you to all who contributed with their donations! 

Happy Bidding!

How can I prepare for the auction?

Our silent auction is 100% online, so we ask that you bring your phone fully charged to enjoy the bidding process on the day of the Gala. Donated items will be on display for you to view in person. To ensure you are successful in your bidding at the event, we will support you along the way to signing in to the hotel wi-fi and ensure the process goes smoothly.  Our online bidding system will notify you if you’ve been “outbid” on an item you’re interested in, so you can still enjoy the gala while the silent auction is underway.

What if I can’t make it to the event? Can I still bid?

YES! Everything is available to bid on virtually—you don’t have to attend the Gala to bid. Because of this, feel free to share the link with friends and family who may be interested in some of our items.

What are the proceeds from the auction used for?

The auction is Edu-Futuro's primary fundraiser and raises money critical to funding our programs and the scholarships our students get to support their first years of college.  All of the profit from the auction goes directly back to our students and programs. Your contribution will have an immediate impact.

How can I help offset the costs of hosting the Gala and Silent Auction?

Edu-Futuro's staff and Gala committees have worked hard to deliver a memorable experience for our guests. This process does come with costs incurred from hosting the venue, entertainment, and services. To help offset these costs and guarantee that Edu-Futuro's students benefit the most from our fundraising efforts, we encourage every guest to donate what they can to Edu-Futuro's Donation page.

What is this 5% fee?

All items have a Buyer Premium of 5% which will be applied to your items upon checkout automatically. This fee offsets the expenses Edu-Futuro has taken on to host the Silent Auction. This ensures more of your contribution goes directly to support Edu-Futuro's mission. You will only be charged upon checkout. If you'd like to help us offset additional credit card-associated fees, feel free to include that in your donation as well.


Please contact us at silentauction@edu-futuro.org and type "Silent Auction 2025 Inquiry" in the subject line.