About bidding
You can view the auction items without creating an account. But, you will need to create an account on BiddingOwl if you wish to place a bid.
BiddingOwl will automatically assign you an anonymous public-facing ID to bid with. The auction organizers will have your contact information to contact you if you win an item.
Find instructions on creating an account here. (Or just click on 'Bidder Login'). [NOTE: UPDATE LAST PAGE]
We recommend using Auto Bid to bid (not the Bid function). Auto Bid will start your bidding at the lowest possible winning value (Auto Bid = "Ebay-style" bidding). The regular "Bid" function will bid whatever value you enter, regardless of what the current highest bid is.
Some items have a Buy Now price.
BiddingOwl will only ask you to enter payment information if you win an item. For most items this will be at the close of the online auction on January 26th.
Send any questions to us at auction@melroseuu.org.
Online auction items that do not sell will be available for bidding at the in person auction (as Silent Auction items) on:
Saturday, February 1st, doors open at 6:30 pm